Assignment 1

November 15, 2015

Last update to this post: 01.12.2015 (extra sample tests for FileDiff)

The first assignment has been published here.

You are now able to upload the archive with your solution, for automatic judging on vmchecker. You can log in on it using your moodle accounts.

If you choose to implement in Java, the archive must contain:

  • Readme

Important! The java files must not have any package declaration in it. If it has, then remove it before uploading the archive. Otherwise, only if you want to use a different structure, you will need to provide a Makefile.

If you implement in C/C++, you need to provide a Makefile with at least these 3 rules:

  • build     – a rule to build the binary files
  • run-p1  – a rule that runs the binary for the first problem
  • run-p2  – a rule that runs the binary for the second problem

Makefile examples:

Sample tests for the two problems: sample_tests (these are some of the tests actually used for evaluating your solution)

Remember to describe in the Readme file the algorithm used in your solution, and its complexity.

Coding style suggestions.

The deadline for the assignment is 01.12.2015 23:59.

Any questions can be addressed as comments on this post.

Answered Questions:

Q1 (FileDiff): Two lines are considered equal if they contain the same ASCII alphabet characters, in the same order.

For example, the line “To be or not to be” is considered the same as “To be, or, not  to be” but different from “Not to be or to be”

Q2 (FileDiff): A file may contain any number of duplicate lines.

Update:  A set of small sample tests for the FileDiff problem, that are easier to debug but require that you implement the minimum lexicographically condition correctly:  File Diff extra sample tests

Starter Code (Lab)

November 13, 2015

(Last Edit 11.12.2015: Lab 4 Minimum Spanning Tree)

Beginning with the present lab, you may use the starter code found at this address:
