Sample exam from 2011

January 31, 2012

As promised, here (exam_20110114_v2) is a sample exam from 2011. The exam has a total value of 46 points because only 4 points from exercise 2 are mandatory, and the extra 2 points value 6 more points. The minimum grade to pass the exam is 18/40 points.

On your request, a brief solution (Solutions_brief_ADC) written in 30 minutes. In 80 minutes, you have time to expand it.

Grades for lab & assignments have been updated

January 31, 2012

You can view your lab and assignment (H1 and H2 for now) scores here:

Homework 3 shall be assessed  until Thursday evening.

Slides available for download

January 26, 2012

I have uploaded an archive containing all the slides for the courses 1-11. Please download the archive and start reading the courses, plus the slides and the references.

Assignment 3 – 2012

January 6, 2012

Here you have a link to the third assignment.

You can send it until 22nd January 2012, 23:59.


– The rules are explained in the assignment page:

– Cheating is not permitted

Comment this post if you have questions about the assignment.

Lab 6

January 6, 2012

1. Compute the minimum spanning tree of a given graph using Kruskal’s algorithm.

2. Find the shortest path in a graph from a given source node to a given destination using Dijkstra’s algorithm.

Lab 5 Applications for DFS

January 6, 2012

1. Find the strongly connected components of a given graph.

2. Find the articulation points of a given graph.