ADC 2010 – Assignment 3

This post has a link to the first assignment.  You can send it until 12th January 2011, 23:59.

Assignment 3 – 2010

– The rules are explained in the assignment page:

– Cheating is not permitted

Comment this post if you have questions about the assignment.

6 Responses to ADC 2010 – Assignment 3

  1. Diyan Filipov says:

    Does the source node remain the same for every student? And what does “4 4 2” mean at example 1, the last line? We already have 6 edges as mention in the first line. Does a node have a weight value? Thank you

  2. Traian Rebedea says:

    You only read the first 6 edges for the first example, because you know that the graph has only 6 edges. You simply ignore the rest, if any.

  3. Andrei Moisei says:

    Which would be the correct response for Example no. 2 if we don’t have any link edge between the source node and the destination node? Practically from the node 2 it is impossible to reach node 1, so the distance would be infinity. How would it be represented as correct answer on line 2? (0, INFINITY as string) Thank you.

  4. Traian Rebedea says:

    Because negative weights are not allowed, if a vertex is not reachable from the source it should have the value “-1” on line 2 (meaning no possible path).

  5. David Posircaru says:

    As the existence of an edge between nodes a and b doesn’t give direction and the graph is directed, just to assure my assumption is correct, does the statement “a, b and c which symbolize that between nodes a and b there is an edge of cost c” mean that there is a directed edge from node a to node b and no edge from b to a?

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