Sample exam from 2011

As promised, here (exam_20110114_v2) is a sample exam from 2011. The exam has a total value of 46 points because only 4 points from exercise 2 are mandatory, and the extra 2 points value 6 more points. The minimum grade to pass the exam is 18/40 points.

On your request, a brief solution (Solutions_brief_ADC) written in 30 minutes. In 80 minutes, you have time to expand it.

4 Responses to Sample exam from 2011

  1. Nicoleta Nutu says:

    Is it possible to show us also the solutions for the exercises, to know how should we answer them?

    Thank you!

  2. Traian Rebedea says:

    I shall not provide you with the complete answers, just with hints:

    A1. You have to compute which is the sum between any function g(n) <= c*f(n) and any function c1 * f(n) <= h(n) <= c2 * f(n). By summing up, you obtain:

    (c+c1)*f(n)=<g(n) + h(n) 1 and j > 1
    A[i][j] + best[i][j-1] if i == 1 and j > 1
    A[i][j] + best[i-1][j] if i > 1 and j == 1
    A[i][j] if i==1 and j==1

  3. Traian Rebedea says:

    WordPress has truncated my comment so I have added a bried solution as a pdf. This is all I can offer.

  4. Nicoleta Nutu says:

    It is ok. Thank you very much!

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