Assignment 3

The third assignment has been published here.

You are now able to upload the archive with your solution, for automatic judging on vmchecker. You can log in on it using your moodle accounts.

Sample tests for the problem: sample_tests (these are some of the tests actually used for evaluating your solution)

If you choose to implement in Java, the archive must contain:

  • Readme

Important! The java files must not have any package declaration in it. If it has, then remove it before uploading the archive. Otherwise, only if you want to use a different structure, you will need to provide a Makefile.

If you implement in C/C++, you need to provide a Makefile with at least these 2 rules:

  • build – a rule to build the binary files
  • run-p1 – a rule that runs the binary for the problem

Makefile examples:

Remember to describe in the Readme file the algorithm used in your solution, and its complexity.

Coding style suggestions.

The deadline for the assignment is 17.01.2016 23:59.

Any questions can be addressed as comments on this post.

Note: If you wish to solve the assignment in a different programming language (Python, Matlab, etc.) send us an email with the name of the chosen programming language and the compiler/interpreter that you plan to use. Also, don’t hesitate to contact us if you have a question related to the programming language that you’ve chosen.

8 Responses to Assignment 3

  1. Cris says:

    Is any solution ok as long as Jones doesn’t get cancer or do we have to find the solution with the least radiation?

    • raduiacob says:

      You have to find a solution that minimizes the maximum amount of radiation exposure when travelling through a corridor. Check out the two example explanations at the end.

      • Cris says:

        Thank you but still not clear enough, including the 2 examples.
        Is it enough to minimize the max amount of radiation exposure until it is below the threshold or does it have to be the lowest achievable?

      • tudalex says:

        Lowest achievable.

  2. Constantin says:

    At many tests I get this error message “Last node in path is not an exit”.
    Besides the fact that the last node in my path is not an exit, does this mean that the maximum radiation is correctly computed (as I do not get an error like : Radiation level too high: 147 vs 93)?


  3. Victor says:

    For the sample radiation2 , why the final result is NO ? . I mean , there exist a path to the exit , 1 -> 2 -> 4 . And the maximum radiation in this path is 3.

    • raduiacob says:

      Radiation increases simultaneously on every edge with time. That’s why when you reach node 2 from node 1, radiation on the edge 2-4 starts from (initial_radiation + time_to_cross_1-2 * speed) = (1 + 10 * 2)

      Check the second example from the documentation.

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